
After a landmark court case, when a California Targeted Individual victim of a secret cell tower RF (radio frequency) based directed energy weapon, won her case in Joshua Tree Superior Court against her perpetrator (Watterson vs Aro), has been inundated with other targets pleading for help. The win has stirred the strong emotions and hope of hundreds of innocent targeted individuals, all claiming they are being attacked by secret microwave weapons used for mind control and to torture them. 

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引用網址:精神控制(mind control)

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引用網址:福建福州吴巧妍脑控受害案例010 - OneDrive


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引用網址:不可不知的秘密  罪恶的年代(转) - 脑控厄运时代来临的日志 - 网易博客

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引用網址:起诉政府秘密电子信号折磨,申请国家赔偿 - peacepink


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